Happy October!

It’s Laura back with my next video where I answer the most asked nanny pay questions. This video is geared towards nannies but I encourage parents to check this out as well.

In this video, I answer the following pay questions:

When To Ask For A Raise

How Much of A Raise Should I Ask For

What You Should Do If Not Being Paid Overtime

How To Receive Paid Sick Time

Click any of the topic titles above to jump to that section of the video.

Nannies, remember that being paid overtime is the LAW!

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope that you also had a chance to check out the How To Write An Amazing Nanny Resume video as well!

Hi everyone and happy Tuesday! With the COVID pandemic picking up speed again (boo!), I’ve been receiving lots of questions about what to do if you, your family, or your nanny might have been exposed to COVID.

In this video, I cover four different possible scenarios and how to handle canceling care, paying your nanny, and when to resume child care for each scenario. I hope you find it useful!

To view the COVID-19 Return to Work/School Flow Chart that I discussed in the video, please click here.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope that the school year has started well for your family!

Hi everyone! It’s Laura back with my next video which I hope every parent that has (or is considering hiring) a nanny or other household employee will spend a few minutes to watch.

In this video, I share an emotional, real world story from one of our customers about why background checks are SO IMPORTANT to ensuring your family is safe.

Roughly 75% of parents do not run background checks on their nanny. Many of these parents rely solely on personal recommendations or “word of mouth” when looking for their next nanny.

Today, I am going to show you why relying strictly on recommendations from friends or neighbors when looking for your next nanny, sitter or household employee can be a recipe for disaster.

You can check out our background check packages by clicking here.

TW: This video does get emotional. The nanny discussed in this video is not a member of the Nanny Parent Connection community.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope that you never skip the background check!

Want to show your nanny just how much you appreciate them? National Nanny Recognition Week is coming up this September 19-25!

You didn’t know that was a thing? It most DEFINITELY is and chances are that your nanny knows about it as well.

While we appreciate our nannies everyday, take a moment to check out my latest video where I discuss a few ideas on how to show your nanny how much you appreciate and care for them during National Nanny Recognition Week.

In this video, I go over some thoughtful ideas to consider including:

  • gifts made by the “nanny kids”
  • gift card ideas
  • flowers
  • car detailing (this is a GREAT idea!)

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it helpful!

Hi everyone! Happy September!

It’s Laura back with my next video where I share my personal checklist that I use with our nanny for when the school year starts.

The start of the school year can be a stressful time for parents. Shopping for new clothes, getting the kids back on their school bedtime schedule, and figuring out drop-off/pickup times can be a real pain!

Don’t forget that back to school can mean changes for your nanny as well.

Check out this video where I discuss my seven checklist items that I go over with my nanny when the school year kicks off.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it helpful!

It’s Laura back with my next video which is specifically focused on nanny resumes.

I personally interview dozens of nannies each week for placement with our Concierge Service families. A question I am often asked is:

“How can I increase my chances of finding an amazing family to work with?”

My first piece of advice is to always have a professional nanny resume ready to go that clearly shows why you would be an excellent choice.

In the below video, I will walk you through one of my favorite nanny resume templates and show you what I feel really makes a resume stand out. Plus, some additional tips about including hobbies, experience and a cover letter.

Click here to check out the nanny resume template I review from resumegenius.com

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it helpful!

Hi everyone!

Below is Part 2 of my video series, “8 Tips To Find Before and After School Child Care” where I cover Tips #5 through #8.

For many parents, the kiddos head back to school in the coming days or weeks. Which always brings up the important question: how can I find a before or after school nanny FAST?

Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered!

In the second part of this video series, I discuss my final four tips for finding a before or after school nanny. This type of child care can be the most difficult to find so make sure to check out the video and comment if you have any questions!

Happy Monday!

For many parents, the kiddos head back to school in the coming days or weeks. Which always brings up the important question: how can I find before or after school child care FAST?

Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered!

In the first part of this video series, I discuss four tips for finding before or after school care. This type of child care can be the most difficult to find so make sure to check out the video and comment if you have any questions!


Hi everyone!

It’s Laura back with my next video…which should be SUPER helpful for families starting to think about nanny care or for those considering switching from a temporary/short term nanny to a full time nanny.

Too often, families only focus on the hourly wage when thinking about a budget for a nanny. In this video, I breakdown every expense that is associated with hiring and employing a nanny in an easy to read spreadsheet.

Click on the video below where I will walk you through:

  • The costs to search for a nanny
  • All details of what nannies expect in a “compensation package”

Scroll down and click on the video to check it out!

Continue reading “Video Blog: How Much Does Nanny Care TRULY Cost? 💰”


Happy Friday!

We just dropped Part 2 of my latest video “Top 10 Questions Answered About Working With A Nanny”. This should be super helpful for families thinking about hiring a nanny this summer or when school starts in the fall.

Click here to check out Part 1.

Every month my team and I speak with dozens of parents that are thinking about working with a nanny (last month alone, we spoke with almost 200 parents!). We’ve been compiling a list of their questions and today, we released the second part of of our series, “Top 10 Questions Answered About Working With A Nanny”.

Some of the questions that we answer in this video are:

How do I pay my nanny? Over the table? Or under the table in cash?

What are nanny taxes?

What are the most common job responsibilities for a nanny?

Can I ask my nanny to do household chores?

What standard benefits should I offer a nanny?

Scroll down and click on the video to check out the second part of “Top 10 Questions Answered About Working With A Nanny”

Continue reading “Video Blog: Top 10 Questions Answered About Working With A Nanny: Part 2 🤨”