Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the Concierge Service cost?

We charge a registration fee of $500.00 to begin working with your family. Once we place a nanny with your family, we charge a placement fee of $2,499.00. Most other nanny agencies charge between $5,000.00 – $10,000.00 for this same service.

Are there any other costs involved? Do I have to pay for the background check?

Nope! There are no other costs or fees involved with our Concierge Service. The price you see is the price you pay.

What is your success rate for matching families with care providers through the Concierge Service?

Currently, we have a 98% success rate in matching families with care providers.

If your team is unable to find the right nanny for my family, do I still have to pay the placement fee?

No. If we are unable to find an amazing provider for your family (which rarely happens), you do not pay the placement fee.

I’ve noticed that you operate Facebook communities. Do you only use that community to source nanny candidates?

No, when we are working with your family through our Concierge Service, we use a variety of resources to find the best match for your child care needs. While this may include our Facebook communities, we also utilize an extensive database of childcare providers that we have built over the past seven years along with other proprietary sources to find care provider candidates.

How do I handle paying my care provider? How do I withhold taxes? Can you help?

Not to worry. We have several tools that can help ensure you are paying your nanny and withholding taxes correctly. First, we offer a Payroll Service where our team takes care of all payroll related tasks for you. This is a very popular option as the cost starts at $59/month. For those families who would like to handle payroll processing themselves, we offer our Pay Calculator. Our Library and YouTube channel also have a tremendous amount of information about how to pay your provider correctly.

My child has special needs and I am looking for a care provider with a unique skill-set. Can I still use the Concierge Service?

Of course! In fact depending on the skill-set you are looking for, the Concierge Service might be the best way to find that unique care provider as we can quickly search through thousands of care provider candidates in our region.

I don’t live in the Seattle, WA area but would like to use the Concierge Service. Is that possible?

Yes! Please contact us via email here to let us know where you are located. We have the ability to place nannies no matter where you live in the United States and have successfully placed nannies in far flung locations such as Alaska and the British Virgin Islands.