Hi everyone! Laura back with my next video.

Considering hiring a live in nanny? Or perhaps you are a nanny who is thinking of offering live in childcare?

The most common question I receive from parents about live in nanny care is:

“If I have a live in nanny, that means I can pay them a lower hourly rate, right?”

What do you think? Is this true or false?

Check out my latest video where I breakdown the pros and cons of live in nanny care – from both the parents and nanny’s perspective.

Is a live in position right for you? Are you considering a live in nanny to care for your children? Make sure to watch this video BEFORE making your decision.

In this video, I’m going to discuss the pros and cons from both the family and nanny’s perspective.

Pro Tip: In my opinion, the most important issue to keep in mind when considering live in nanny care is everyone’s privacy.

Click the button below to watch the video and I hope I covered something new for you!

Click Here To Watch!


Did your nanny just quit? Or did you have to let them go?

First things first, don’t panic!

Next, check out my latest video where I cover what you should do immediately after your nanny quits or if you have to let them go.

Pro Tip: Hand your nanny their last paycheck when they drop off your house key. Don’t withhold the final payment no matter how the relationship ended!

If you live in the Puget Sound region and need urgent child care, check out our Last Minute Care Service. Fill out a short form and your child care need is instantly sent via text message to over 400 nannies and sitters that provide temporary, back up care.

Click the button to watch the video and hang in there!

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Hi everyone!

Today I am going to discuss a subject that everyone hopes that they don’t have to deal with…

Car accidents!

I was recently reading an article where a nanny was involved in a car accident on her way to work. Upon letting her nanny parents know, the parents didn’t even think to ask if she was okay and later, took to social media to complain about their “dramatic” nanny.

What? Yikes!

That’s not the way a car accident should be handled.

Check out my latest video where I discuss what the nanny and family should do if the nanny is involved in a car accident. I hope you find it useful!

PRO TIP: Ensuring that your nanny has a signed medical release form for your children is important so that they can receive immediate medical care if needed.

Click Here To Watch!


Working with a nanny means that your normal private space (i.e. your home) is being shared with someone from outside your own family. Your nanny might have access to information about your family that others don’t and that the family might not want shared.

Parents – what policies should you put into place to honor your family’s privacy? Nannies – what can you do to ensure the family you work with is comfortable sharing their private space with you?

Check out my latest video where I cover my top privacy tips that both nannies and families should keep in mind when working together!

In this video, I’m going to discuss: 

– Photo Policy

– Social Media Policy

– General Privacy

– Non-Disclosure Agreement

Click the button below to watch the video and I hope I covered something new for you!

Click Here To Watch!


Nannies – looking to make more money in 2023?

Check out my top tips for how to increase your take home pay by hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month!

In this video, I’m going to discuss: 

– Work in a Nanny Share

– Earn Certifications

– Work as a Doula

– Take Career Advancement Courses

– Focus on Gig Work

– Get the Word Out About the Services You Are Offering

– Verify Yourself

I hope this video helps you hit your financial goals for the year!

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everyone! Laura here back with my next video.

Our team receives dozens of calls and emails each week from nannies. Many of these are requests for advice on how to discuss compensation related issues with their nanny family. Some of the most popular questions we receive are:

– How do I ask for a raise or an annual review?

– How do I talk to the parents about putting a nanny contract into effect?

– Should I be reimbursed for mileage when using my own car to transport my nanny kids?

– What is the best way to discuss job duty creep?

When I worked as a nanny, I had many of these same questions. Check out my latest video where I discuss the eight most common advice requests from nannies and my thoughts for how to advocate for yourself!

Click the button below to watch and I hope you find it useful.

Click Here To Watch!


We all know how busy the holiday season can get. Travel, kids home from school, countless get-togethers, and this year, a triple whammy of COVID, influenza, and RSV running rampant throughout our communities!

To help, I’ve put together a checklist of nanny year end tasks that you should handle in the next couple of days if you are currently working with a nanny.

In this video, I’m going to discuss: 

– Holiday schedule planning

– Gift exchange with your nanny

– How to stay healthy if traveling

– Reviewing your Inclement weather policy

– Organizing year end payroll documents

Click the button below to watch and happy holidays!

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Happy holidays! It’s Laura from Nanny Parent Connection back with a special holiday video for you. 

Many nannies invest a tremendous amount of time and energy making the holidays special for their nanny kids.

In this week’s video, I discuss holiday activities that I used to do as a nanny that I now do with my four children. Parents – these tips are for you too!

Pro Tip: Making simple gingerbread houses are a great way to use up that leftover Halloween candy 🙂

Click the button or image below to watch and I hope you find an activity that you haven’t tried yet!

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everyone! I hope that your holidays are off to a great start.

“Do I REALLY have to pay my nanny for that?”

I’m not kidding when I say that I have heard that phrase dozens of times in the last couple of weeks. The nanny market continues to be super competitive across the United States and inflation is pinching us all in the wallet.

This has forced parents to increase the pay rates and compensation packages that they are offering to their nanny in order to be competitive.

For first time parents or those families that haven’t employed a nanny recently, these increases in nanny compensation can come as a HUGE shock.

I surveyed our team recently and below are the top four nanny pay questions that we have heard from parents in the past month:

  • Do I really have to pay my nanny overtime pay, that gets really expensive?
  • Can I offer only half the guaranteed hours to my nanny while we are away on vacation for the holidays?
  • I don’t need my nanny for all of their guaranteed hours this week, can I pay them the same amount this week and next week, but just have them make up those hours that next week?
  • Do I have to reimburse for mileage when my nanny is using their car for driving on the job? She’s only taking our kids a few miles away to the park.

In today’s video, I break down several incorrect assumptions about nanny pay.

Check it out and I hope you find it useful!

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everybody! Laura back with some more nanny related tips for you.

The cost of living has drastically increased over the past year. These rising costs are impacting the nanny world and I am beginning to see many nannies leave long-term positions for other opportunities offering a higher wage or additional benefits.

Have you found a great nanny? Make sure you are doing everything you can to keep them happy, cared for and valued as they work with your family! Check out my top ten tips for how to keep your nanny in the long term.

I can’t stress how important communication boundaries are for many nannies. Don’t text or call your nanny late at night!

Finally, make sure to check out my bonus tip at the end of the video.

Click the button below to watch the video and I hope you find a tip or two that you haven’t thought of yet!

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