Happy (almost) New Year! It’s Laura back with the seventh episode in our series, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

If you missed the first six episodes, click the images below to check those out:

In the first episode, I discussed the different child care options that are available to families.

In the second episode, I went over the costs of each of these child care options.

In the third episode, I touched on how these different childcare options can impact your child…specifically, the “individualization” of each childcare option.

In the fourth episode, we began talking about where and how to find a nanny. Make sure you check out this video as I go over my top four free and paid options for where to find a nanny near you!

In the fifth episode, I discussed how to advertise your nanny position effectively.

In the sixth episode, I went over how to run a successful nanny search and prepare for interviews.

In today’s episode, “Episode #7 : Top Tips for Interviewing Nannies (1/2)”, I discuss my first four tips for interviewing nanny candidates. I cover:

  • Ask Open Ended/Insightful Questions
  • Ask Questions Not Related to Childcare
  • Don’t Forget to Ask the “Nuts and Bolts” Questions
  • Evaluate Non-Verbal Communication

Don’t forget to watch how the nanny candidate interacts with your children during the second interview. That’s the most important tip of all! Check back next week when I go over my last four tips for nanny interviews.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

interviewing nannies

Continue reading “Top Tips for Interviewing Nannies (1/2) – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.7”


Hi everybody! It’s Laura back with the sixth episode in our series, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

If you missed the first five episodes, click the images below to check those out:

In the first episode, I discussed the different child care options that are available to families.

In the second episode, I went over the costs of each of these child care options.

In the third episode, I touched on how these different childcare options can impact your child…specifically, the “individualization” of each childcare option.

In the fourth episode, we began talking about where and how to find a nanny. Make sure you check out this video as I go over my top four free and paid options for where to find a nanny near you!

In the fifth episode, I discussed how to advertise your nanny position effectively.

In today’s episode, “How To Run A Successful Nanny Search”, I discuss how to prepare for sorting through applications and beginning the interview process. I touch on relevant information to look for in a candidate’s resume or work summary, why a cover letter is so important, and why you should never “chase” a nanny candidate. Basically, everything that you need to handle or think of BEFORE you start your interviews!

To check out the “How To Write An Amazing Nanny Resume video”, click here. 

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

nanny search

Continue reading “How To Run A Successful Nanny Search – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.6”


Happy holidays everyone! It’s Laura back with a special video about how to include your nanny in your holiday celebrations and traditions.

Your nanny is part of your family and is an important part of your child’s life. Now that holiday festivities are in full swing, don’t forget to include your nanny. I guarantee you that it will make your child’s holiday experience that much more memorable and special!

Check out this video where I go over my top three tips for “How To Include Your Nanny This Holiday Season!”. I also discuss what is an appropriate holiday bonus and/or gift for your nanny.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when our next video comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

nanny holiday

Continue reading “How to Include Your Nanny This Holiday Season! 🎁”


Happy Holidays! 🎁 It’s Laura back with the fifth episode in our series, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

If you missed the first four episodes, click the images below to check those out:

In the first episode, I discussed the different child care options that are available to families.

In the second episode, I went over the costs of each of these child care options.

In the third episode, I touched on how these different childcare options can impact your child…specifically, the “individualization” of each childcare option.

In the fourth episode, we began talking about where and how to find a nanny. Make sure you check out this video as I go over my top four free and paid options for where to find a nanny near you!

In today’s episode, “How To Write A Great Nanny Advertisement”, we focus on how to advertise your nanny position effectively. I share my top tips for writing your nanny ad to ensure you hear from experienced, top-notch candidates quickly. I use these tips on a daily basis and routinely receive anywhere from 10-20 nanny applications for each position.

To check out the childcare budgeting video that I mentioned, click here.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

nanny advertisement

Continue reading “How To Write A Great Nanny Advertisement – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.5”


I’m back! 😃 Today, I’m excited to release the fourth episode, “Where Do I Find A Nanny?” in our series, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

If you missed the first three episodes, click the images below to check those out:

In the first episode, I discussed the different child care options that are available to families.

In the second episode, I went over the costs of each of these child care options.

In the third episode, I touched on how these different childcare options can impact your child…specifically, the “individualization” of each childcare option.

In today’s episode “Where Do I Find A Nanny?”, we continue the journey by discussing the top four free and paid options for where to find a nanny near you! These are the most effective ways to find nannies in my experience.

To check out my video, “Child Abuse! Why You Should Never Skip the Background Check” that I mentioned in this week’s episode, click here.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

find a nanny

Continue reading “Where Do I Find A Nanny? – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.4”


Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving! It’s Laura back with the third episode in our series, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

If you missed the first two episodes, click the images below to check those out:

In the first episode, I discussed the different child care options that are available to families.

In the second episode, I went over the costs of each of these child care options.

In today’s episode, I go over how these different child care options can impact your child…specifically, the “individualization” of each option. I also spend a few moments dispelling a notion about peer socialization that I know many parents stress about.

To read the blog post by Certified Parenting Coach, Beaven Walters about “Do Young Children Need Peer Interaction to Become Socialized?”, click here.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

child care options

Continue reading “How Different Child Care Options Can Impact Your Child – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.3”


It’s Laura back with the second episode in our new series, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

In the first episode, I discussed the different childcare options that are available to families.

In today’s episode, I break down the costs of each of those childcare options so that your family has a good idea of how much each option will cost annually.

To check out the “How Much Does Nanny Childcare TRULY Cost?” video I mentioned, click here.

To learn more about our Last Minute Care Service, click here.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

afford a nanny

Continue reading “Can You Afford A Nanny? – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.2”


Hi everyone! Today I am excited to announce the launch of a new series titled, “Working With A Nanny From A-Z”.

In this series, I am going to walk you through the entire process of working with a nanny. From deciding if nanny care is right for your family all the way through how to find, interview, hire and work with a nanny. Basically, everything you need to know from A-Z about the nanny world!

Sit back, grab a coffee or tea and let’s get started with the first episode where I discuss the different childcare options that are available to you. I cover all options including in-home vs. out of the home care, paid childcare vs. free childcare and everything in between.

Don’t forget to subscribe and “ring the bell” on YouTube so that you can be notified when the next episode in this series comes out.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!

childcare options

Continue reading “What Childcare Options Are Available To You? – Working With A Nanny From A-Z Series – Ep.1”


Hi everyone! Hope you had a wonderful Halloween! 🎃

I’m back with my next video that focuses on a statement I hear from parents on a daily basis:

“I’m looking for a Mary Poppins nanny.”

What exactly does that mean? What kind of nanny is Mary Poppins? In this video, I discuss what a Mary Poppins nanny is and why this style of nanny may NOT be what some parents are looking for.

What do you think of when you hear the term “Mary Poppins nanny”? I’d love to hear your comments about this topic below!

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful.


It’s Laura back with my next video!

Today, I discuss nanny rest breaks and how to ensure that your nanny has the opportunity to sit down and relax during the day. Often, I think parents forget that their nanny needs to take breaks during the day!

Parents – make sure you have clear communication with your nanny about their daily workload so that they have time for breaks and to eat. I have found that having a specific conversation about rest breaks with my nanny creates an atmosphere where they feel comfortable and welcome to take a breather and rest for a bit.

To check out the post by Nanny Cara that I mention in the video, click here.

Scroll down to check out the video and I hope you find it useful!