Hi everyone! It’s Laura from Nanny Parent Connection with an interesting topic we’ve been discussing with several members.

Today, let’s discuss the pros and cons of working as a provider in a daycare versus working as a nanny.

Whether you’re embarking on a career in childcare or contemplating a change, understanding the nuances of each role is essential in making the right decision for your career path.

Today, we’ll explore the pros and cons, differences in pay, responsibilities, and more to help you weigh your options effectively.

Parents – if you know of someone thinking about entering the childcare world, please share this video with them.

Let’s dive in and we hope you find this video helpful! 

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Hi everyone! It’s Laura with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video which is an important one!

One of the ways Nanny Parent Connection makes a difference in our community is by sharing valuable information and resources, including up-to-date child care compensation data. Thanks to the participation of hundreds of child care providers, parents, and agency representatives, we’re able to gather data and present our pay rate survey results every year.

Today, I’m thrilled to announce that the results of our 2024 Pay Survey are out! And in this video, we’ll be diving deep into the comparison between the 2023 and 2024 survey results, discussing trends and changes in the local child care world.

So, whether you’re a parent seeking insights into childcare expenses or a caregiver curious about industry trends, stick around as we dive into this year’s survey results!

Click the button below to watch!

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Hi everyone! It’s Laura with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video.

Hiring a nanny is a crucial decision for families, requiring careful consideration of various factors to ensure the safety and well-being of their children.

Among the many considerations, the question of whether to check a nanny’s credit report or credit score often arises.

In this video, let’s discuss the pros and cons of such a practice and explore the potential benefits and ethical implications for families seeking to make an informed decision.

Click the button below to watch and we hope you find this video helpful!

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Happy spring! It’s Laura with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video.

Ready to up your game when it comes to meal time?

Nannies, your role in nurturing children extends beyond playtime. Providing them with wholesome and exciting meals is essential for their growth and development.

While convenience often leads us to these familiar options, let’s delve into creative and healthy alternatives that both you and the kids will enjoy.

In this video, let’s reimagine Lunchables©, Spaghettios©, pizza, cereal snack bars and much more!

We hope these ideas help spark your imagination for new and exciting meals!

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Hi everyone! It’s Laura with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video which focuses on how nannies can ensure their vehicles are safe and ready to go when transporting their nanny kids.

Nannies – don’t miss this video! And if you are a parent working with a nanny, considering sending this video over to them to check out.

As a nanny, one of the responsibilities that often comes with the territory is transporting children.

Whether it’s school drop-offs, play-dates, or various activities, ensuring the safety of the little passengers in your care is paramount.

Let’s explore 10 essential steps to help nannies ensure their cars are safe and ready for the important task of transporting children.

We hope you find this video helpful! 

Click Here To Watch!


Are you tired of spending a fortune on family photo shoots? Well, what if I told you there’s a simple solution that could save you hundreds of dollars?

Hi everyone! It’s Nea with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video. Today, I’ve got a game-changing tip for all you parents out there who want to capture those precious family moments without breaking the bank.

Instead of shelling out big bucks for a professional photographer, consider this: enlist the help of someone who’s already an integral part of your family – your nanny!

That’s right! Your nanny can be your secret weapon when it comes to family photos. With the technology we have at our fingertips today, like smartphones with high-quality cameras, you can get amazing shots without spending a dime on a professional photographer.

Click the button below to watch and and happy snapping! 🙂

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Hi everyone! It’s Nea with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video.

Embarking on a new chapter in your professional journey as a nanny often involves difficult decisions, and one of the most challenging is resigning from your current position.

Quitting a job is never easy, but doing it the right way is crucial for maintaining professional relationships and ensuring a positive transition for both you and the family you’ve been working with.

In this video, we’ll explore some thoughtful steps to help nannies quit in a manner that fosters understanding and respect.

Click the button below to watch and we hope you find this video helpful!

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Hi everyone! It’s Laura with Nanny Parent Connection back with a fun video about creative ways to appreciate the amazing work your nanny does.

Behind many happy families is an incredible nanny who works tirelessly to care for the little ones.

Expressing gratitude for their hard work and dedication not only brightens their day but also strengthens the bond between families and their beloved caregivers.

In this video, let’s explore some creative and heartfelt ways to show appreciation for the superheroes in our homes – our nannies.

Click the button below to watch and we hope you find this video helpful!

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Hi everyone! It’s Nea with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video.

Being a nanny is a rewarding but demanding job. The responsibility of caring for someone else’s children comes with its own set of challenges, and sometimes, it can lead to burnout.

In today’s video, we’ll explore the signs of nanny burnout and provide some practical solutions for nannies to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Parents – if you are currently working with a nanny, please share this article with them.

Click the button below to watch and we hope you find this useful!

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Hi everyone! It’s Nea with Nanny Parent Connection back with this week’s video.

Today, we want to discuss this whole nanny drug testing thing. It’s a debate that’s been buzzing around, and honestly, it’s a bit of a tightrope walk.

On one hand, some people argue that drug testing is a must to keep our children safe. But on the flip side, others say it’s like poking your nose where it doesn’t belong and messing with your nanny or sitter’s privacy.

Let’s dive in and discuss the different sides of this debate.

At the end of this video, I will share the advice that our team shares with families in our community. We hope you find this useful!

Click the button below to watch.

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