Are your kids struggling to connect with your new nanny? Our little humans have some big emotions and may be dealing with separation anxiety when your new nanny starts caring for them.

What can you do to help your kids AND nanny bond?

Check out my five tips for how to go from “my kids don’t like our nanny” to “when is our nanny going to come and play with us again”!

Click the button below to watch and I hope it helps if you find yourself in this situation.

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everyone! Laura from Nanny Parent Connection back with my next video. Today, I’d like to talk about something I am hearing a lot about (and you may be too)….it’s called quiet quitting.

Quiet quitting is REAL and happening across the United States currently – even in the nanny world.

Not sure what quiet quitting is? Concerned that your nanny might be “quiet quitting” on you? What should you do if you think your nanny is quiet quitting?

Check out my latest video where I discuss what you should do if you think your nanny is quiet quitting, how to discuss with your nanny and what you can do to prevent quiet quitting.

Make sure to watch to the end where I discuss what steps to take if your nanny quits.

In this video, I’m going to discuss: 

– What is Quiet Quitting?

– Could Your Nanny Be Quiet Quitting On You?

– How Do You Tell If Your Nanny Might Be Quiet Quitting On You?

– How Can You Avoid The Risk Of Your Nanny Quiet Quitting On You?

Click the button below to watch the video!

Click Here To Watch!


Hiring a new nanny? Don’t forget to conduct a working interview!

A working interview can give parents a better sense of the nanny’s work style and how they connect with your children before making a formal job offer. Remember to pay your nanny for the time they spend at your home during the interview.

Check out my latest video where I discuss all aspects of working interviews including:

– How to prepare for the working interview

– What to look for during the interview

– What to after the working interview if it goes well (or doesn’t go well)

Click the button below to watch the video and I hope you find it helpful!

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everyone! It’s Laura from Nanny Parent Connection.

Considering having a nanny watch your children overnight? Or going on vacation and want to take your nanny with you?

How much do you pay for overnight or vacation child care? Do you pay a flat fee or per hour? Or both?

I’ve got you covered! Check out my recent video where I discuss all things overnight/vacation child care related. I hope you find it useful!

In today’s video, I discuss:

– What Is the Best Way to Pay My Nanny for Overnight Care?

– Rules of Thumb You Will Want to Follow

– What Job Duties Are Okay to Ask of Your Nanny During Your Time Away?

Click the button below to watch the video!

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everyone! It’s Laura back to talk about something that is impacting each of us on a daily basis….inflation.

It seems that anytime we turn on the news these days, we hear about rising inflation. Nearly everything is more expensive this year than it was last year. Inflation is driving up the cost of everything from food to gasoline prices to your morning coffee, and it’s even increasing the cost of working with a nanny.

But what is inflation? How is inflation affecting the nanny world?

Check out my latest video where I discuss how inflation is impacting both parents and nannies plus some great tips on how to save money on childcare during this time of increasing costs.

In today’s video, I discuss:

– What is inflation?

– What causes inflation?

– Some trends I am seeing in the nanny world as a result of inflation

– Several great tips on how you can save money on childcare

Click the button below to watch the video and I hope you find it useful!

Click Here To Watch!


Hi everyone! It’s Laura from Nanny Parent Connection.

Happy September! The other night while struggling to fall asleep, I came across this hilarious website of the secret thoughts of nannies. I had to share some of my thoughts and reactions with you!

While all of these “things nannies don’t say out loud” are humorous, there are some important lessons to learn here such as why parents shouldn’t open the door for the nanny in their bathrobe (could make the nanny feel uncomfortable) or making sure that the Ipad or tablet your child has access to is not synced to your phone (your nanny doesn’t want to see your private text messages).

Click the button below to watch the video. I hope it gives you a good laugh and you learn something from it!

Click Here To Watch!