Over the last several months, we have asked our members to complete pay surveys to provide the parents and care providers of our region a snapshot of the average pay for different child care scenarios (i.e. one child, two children, part time, nanny shares, etc).
You can find the results of those surveys by clicking here.
With summer upon us and the start of the school year just around the corner, we wanted to take this opportunity to update the pay rate information for nannies caring for one child part time. Today, we present our July 2018 Part Time for One Child Nanny Pay Survey. The survey is very short and you should be able to complete it in about one minute:
Nannies – have you provided PART TIME care for one child in the past year? Parents – in the past year, have you employed a nanny PART TIME to care for your child? If so, please complete the survey below:
Create your own user feedback survey
The survey will be live for about the next two weeks. The results will be posted to this blog and our Facebook community.
Finally, I would love to hear what you think about this survey. Are there questions you feel should be added? Please comment below!