Over the past several years, we have asked our members to complete pay rate surveys to provide the parents, care providers, and agencies of our region a snapshot of the average pay for different child care scenarios (i.e. one child, two children, nanny shares, sitter, part-time, etc).
You can find the results of those surveys by clicking here.
We wanted to take this opportunity to update the pay rate information for caring for one child part time as it has been over a year since we last surveyed our community.
Today, we present the results of our November 2019 Caring for One Child Part Time Nanny Pay Rate Survey. Has the average hourly rate increased or decreased? What care/household duties do most providers handle when caring for one child part time? Continue reading to find out!
What are you paying or being paid to care for one child part time? Comment below and thanks to all who participated!
Continue reading “Nanny Pay Rate Survey Results – One Child Part Time | 2019 Update”