Are you a nanny, family assistant, or household manager? Not sure? Maybe you are a combination of all three!

Often, these titles are used interchangeably but there are some MAJOR differences in daily tasks, responsibilities, and compensation.

In this video, I will walk you through the differences between a nanny, family assistant, and household manager, how the compensation (pay) is different for each, and a discussion about the dreaded “job duty creep”.

In this video, I’m going to discuss: 

– Nanny Job Duties

– Family Assistant Duties

– Household Manager Job Duties

–  How to Handle Job Duty Creep

Click Here To Watch!

nanny job duties

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A transcript of the video can be found below: 

Hi everyone, Laura from Nanny Parent Connection here.

Are you a nanny, family assistant, or household manager?

The difference is in the job duties!

Today, I’m going to talk about the job duties that are specific to each role.

I will also talk about how to identify if job duty creep is happening, and how to address that whether you’re a family or a nanny.

Let’s get started!

A nanny is going to handle anything directly related to the care of the children.

Nanny job duties include things like full care of children including naps, meals, play, diapers, ensuring the child’s safety, children’s laundry, washing bottles, tidying dishes used, children’s meal prep, providing transportation to and from activities, planning engaging activities, and daily tidying of any spaces used.

A family assistant is going to be responsible for child care plus household duties.

Family assistant duties will include things like child care, family laundry, family meal prep, daily tidying, grocery shopping, running errands, help with dishes, transportation to and from activities and all of the child care related job duties mentioned above.

This might also include pet care.

Depending on the exact job duties, this can add $3 to $5/hour to the pay rate or more.

A household manager will include little to no childcare duties.

A household manager is responsible for job duties such as managing vendors, pet care such as feeding, walking, and taking animals to vet appointments, errands such as returning packages, picking up dry cleaning, grocery shopping, meal planning, meal prep, organization around the house, coordinating travel plans, planning events such as birthday parties for the children, scheduling appointments or activities for children, family calendar management, and help with family transportation needs.

A household manager of course is going to be on the highest end of the pay range.

It’s typical for household managers to make $35 to $45/hour, or more depending on their exact job responsibilities and experience level.

A common phenomenon in the nanny industry is “job duty creep”. This is where additional responsibilities are added on or expected over time without being previously discussed and agreed upon. These additional tasks have not been added into the contract nor are they being compensated appropriately.

Families, if you have been asking more of your nanny over time, it’s important to critically evaluate your current nanny contract and pay rate.

Perhaps additional job duties have not been asked of your nanny, but they pitch in and do above and beyond what is contractually required.

If these things are helpful for your family, it may be time to reevaluate the contract and consider a pay raise and role change.

Either way, if your nanny has been taking on additional job duties that were not part of the original job description, it’s a great time to have an official review with your care provider.

This is the time where all parties can sit down and have an official check-in, you will discuss what things are going well, you will discuss how everyone is doing, what’s working, what’s not working, re-evaluate the job duties and talk about a commiserate pay raise if additional job duties need to be added to the contract.

Families, please check out this video where I discuss how to handle a review with your nanny.

Nannies, if you are taking on more job responsibilities than was initially discussed and agreed upon, it’s a great time to ask your family to sit down for a review of the contract.

As I mentioned this is an opportunity for all parties to sit down, check in with one another and see how things are going.

You can also discuss the contract, and if any additional job duties need to be added to the contract along with a commensurate pay rate increase.

And if you are a family or a nanny in need of guidance on how to sit down and have an official review, don’t miss these videos where I walk you through the process.

For families, click here.

For nannies and sitters, click here.

Thanks everyone, bye!


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